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21 Things for 2022


There’s another year coming and with it, another years worth of time to be used with joy and effectiveness. (In that order).

Here’s what you’ll be granted if you manage to live the entirety of next year; A whole year / 12 months / 365 days / 8760 hours / 525,600 minutes.

Here’s a bunch of stuff I’ll be thinking about (I’ve included links, to different sources where I got these thoughts from, for you to do your own homework and further reading):

  1. Priority is a singular word, not plural.

  2. When we train by ourselves it reinforces our bad habits. Find your tribe.

  3. There is no good or bad.

  4. Just start something, small.

  5. Every action you make is a vote for the kind of person you want to be

  6. Foster a love for learning; if you learn how to learn you’ll never go without.

  7. Follow your bliss. Take your time.

  8. There is no such thing as normal.

  9. Create more than you consume. (Ask yourself if you’re “Producing or Consuming right now?”).

  10. If in doubt, choose Analog vs Digital. In tech, activities, entertainment, and for any solution.

  11. Memento Mori.

  12. There will always be problems, in everything you do. Choose the problems you enjoy.

  13. The answer you need is probably within you; you likely already know it.

  14. Talk less, communicate more, and listen with the intent to understand.

  15. Dance!

  16. Breathe with intent.

  17. Define your “Why” and you won’t need willpower.

  18. Turn up. Do your work.

  19. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Don’t do what everyone else is doing. Bring your specialism.

  20. Help people remove barriers in their life, to really get what they want of it. (Life is too damn short)

  21. And as always, if you are ever unsure of the path to take, simply ask yourself; What would Spider-Man do?

Bonus Questions:

  1. What do you need to let go of?

  2. What script, once useful to you, is now holding you back or is no longer useful?

  3. What does ‘easy’ look like?

With a big, warm and cuddly amount of love,


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