Here are some things accessible to everybody! I’m a Frugal Frankie and pretty much always have been so the ideas here won’t cost you thousands, but they will lessen your footprint and hopefully before that, make you feel better.
Chuck it on, wipe it off.
Vinegar and Bicarbonate of soda to clean everything. Seriously, very nearly everything in your home can be tackled with this pair (also, add a little citrus in for scent and scrubbing power) and they’re less toxic to you, your home, your sink and the water treatment down the line. Bonus: they’re so cheap. Simply search “Vinegar Bicarb cleaner”
Ready to grab and go.
2. Take Reuseable bags mostly everywhere. You probably have some already. Keep a small one or two in your everyday bag. Keep a selection of them ready to grab and go for the food shop. Also, take smaller ‘net’/’mesh style reusable bags so that you can buy loose veg/other bits and pieces. Speaking of…
Straight from the ground not really
3. Many vegetables can be bought loose in many major supermarkets vs their plastic wrapped counterparts. The main difference between a bag of carrots/potatoes and a loose box of their brother and sisters is the plastic bag. (it defeats the point if you then put the loose ones in a new plastic bag. Use your own net/mesh one!)
Im particularly fond of wool.
4. Wear layers. Layered insulation which traps air is the way to keep warmth in. This might mean wearing a jumper in your home rather than slamming the thermostat up 5 degrees to heat the entire house/car. WISE: Wicking layer, Insulation layer, Shell layer, Extra. You can layer up cheaply by…
Also see above image of my closet.
5. Buying second-hand and used, repairing what you’ve got, and as much as possible pick things up locally. Used goods have already completed their manufacturing process, which means they’re here. The compound effect is you’re buying one less thing which means the manufacturers make one less thing – if this happened a million times with 7 billion people, that’s a lot of things. Over time resources stay available/unused and landfills remain freer of waste. Bonus: You save money! Used is often cheaper (and feels like treasure hunting) because the person before you has absorbed the initial cost.
These actions aren’t going to change the world in one day, or one week, but the compound effect if every member of our society joined in would make a noticeable impact.
They are a good start in developing habits, and living out your life with a more conscious mindset.
Living consciously takes more time than living conveniently. But maybe that’s the difficult question we have to ask of ourselves; “Just because everybody does/thinks it, does that make it right?” Do we want to trade convenience today for an environment we (or our children) won’t survive in tomorrow? Or can we take 5 minutes to take our bags, scan online marketplaces for what we’re after, and start to make thoughtful decisions?
Humans (that’s you that is) function on habits which over time change the entire planet. This one, only, sole, lonely hurtling rock of obscene chance and miracle. Shall we look after it?
Feel free to get in touch with questions or comments about Planet Friendly living! I’ve had a quarter lifetime of trying to do my bit and am still learning every day.
Up next; The 5 R’s and Make do & Mend – A.K.A. Our grandparents were right!
Think nice things,