The difference between your dreams and reality, is taking steps towards making it happen.
The only way that things ever get done is by taking the next step.
You’re probably not moving along the path you really want to be on, because you aren’t taking action.
No matter how small, Action is the key.
Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.
Learning new things is hard.
That’s it, plain and simple. Learning is difficult and that’s OK! There are easier ways to learn, and there are more difficult ways, and certain methods work better for some than others. Overall, learning is a tricky process but a worthwhile one; not only has it been shown to keep your brain ‘supple’ and young (by forming new connections and exercising those parts of the brain responsible for learning, the brain is able to do this longer through life), but learning rewards you with lifelong, transferrable skills which can Level Up your life.
Taking Action to make your dreams and goals a reality is Levelling Up your life.
We’re deeply wired as Humans to choose the path of least resistance, and over time as we develop routines and behaviours to make our daily lives easier, it’s easier to allow these routines to run our lives without question or change.
These routines aren’t always the best option or path for us though.
We stick in the same job because it’s what you know.
We leave that DIY task because “I’ll have time at the weekend”.
We’re deferring happiness and achievements to some non-descript point in the future, instead of realising that the only time you have is right now.
You know that typical flippant response that people (maybe even you?) have towards pieces of art, or “art”?
The kind of knee-jerk reaction that comes out when the “art” piece is just a single painted line on an otherwise blank white canvas? Or it’s a stack of junk meant to “represent” something?
“Huh. Wow. ‘Art’? Really? I could do that”………
The difference is you didn’t. And the artist did.
That’s why the artist got paid £2 million, and you did not.
The artist took action (throughout their whole lives up until that point where they created the piece) and you did not. Jerk.
Judgement. Perfectionism. Failure.
Not “knowing” where to begin!
These are common fears and that little voice in our head likes to be loud and convincing about them. We’ll keep something in our dreams for fear of being judged about the outcome. We put off making a start until we’ve collected all of the possible information about all of the possible outcomes so that the first time we do our thing its juuuuuuuuust right. Or we put off making that move completely, because hasn’t school taught us that failure is bad and anything “worse” than an ‘A’ is unacceptable? (Thanks school).
An idea stays perfect in your head. As soon as you make moves towards bringing it into reality, that’s when you introduce the chance of failure, things not turning out quite as you had pictured or planned them too, or realise that it’s harder than expected.. But that’s OK.
The trade off however (Telling that voice to “be quiet, go away, and never come back!”), is that you have brought your ideas and dreams into reality and out of your head. You are now making it happen, no matter what it looks like. You’re taking steps towards what you want your life to really look like.
It won’t always be easy. It will rarely be “perfect”. I can promise you that!
But it will exist and be real.
You are your solution.
A great friend of mine summed it up like this;
“We are the solution to all of our problems and sometimes that solution is just taking that first step (booking the flight, looking for a new job, signing up to the gym etc). You’ve got to do it for yourself because no one else is going to create the life, career, body, relationship (etc) that you want for you.” Will J. Carman
You are the solution to your problems and your dreams.
Do Something. Take Action.
One day you will die.
Up until that point, you have been granted the gift of the Cosmic Mistake – conscious life here on Earth.
You can either sleepwalk through it, or wake up and take charge!
Do a thing. Level Up life.
– Frank x
If you’d like to Take Action and get something done right now, you could get me a delicious coffee right here, and I’d say “Wow, really?! Thanks very much!” and I’d think of you fondly as I drank it, you lovely berry-flavoured bean, you.