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Break some eggs.

You can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs. – People

I love analogies. They help my brain to make sense of things when I’m trying to understand something, but also they help me to wrap up a concept into a form which I find easier to explain.

It’s like making a gift for someone; choosing some wrapping paper you know they’d like and “get”, then handing it over so that no extra words need to be discussed. All there is is understanding. And there you go, I just analogised an analogy.

Inception Leo does not approve of your hastily drawn Egg Gift


I recently experimented with a new job role – “Health and Wellbeing Coach” On paper it should have been a perfect fit of sorts; the title of the role ticked a lot of boxes for me, tying in the joy I find in the psychology, developing my branch of knowledge around behaviour change and methods which actually work, with the professional experience I have around coaching and assisting people. I had the chance to build something from scratch, figure out the kinks and do it in the way I thought was right

Reality did not turn things out that way. Instead, it was looking to be about 20% of the above and 80% administrative, data-entry, office-bound, screen-based work. And that, if anybody knows me even a little, is not my jam.


So, I left. For now. Right job, wrong time.

I broke some eggs to see what would come out of it. And I learned a lot about myself in the process.

Worlds biggest egg, apparently.


That’s what making an omelette is about; experimentation.

You can choose what to focus on; the broken egg shell, or the raw material which comes from it. You can choose how you view both parts. You can choose what you do with both components. What will you build with the raw material? How will you leave the debris? Will you rebuild and recycle, or toss it away? What ingredients of your own can you add? Even broken egg shells have their use in natures cycle.

Failure is only failure if you decide to learn nothing from it.

Experiment. Gather data. Trust in yourself, your ability and your process. Learn. Move forwards.

Life happens, every moment of every day.

Progress is made up of tiny step after tiny step.

Just keep moving forwards.

Lots of love,


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