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Solve problems.


I’ve had ‘Problem Solving’ on my mind quite a bit over the last 5 months. Both for work purposes and “reassessing what things I’m adept at in life” purposes. But just generally, ‘Problem Solving’ as a concept, floating about in that quiffy noggin of mine.

Half of this picture doesn’t make sense.

We can all do it. In fact, we all do it every day. Some of us love it and dive deep into it heartily whereas other loathe the idea of it, and maybe see it as unnecessary effort. (Problem Solving that is, not drawing pictures of quiffy noggins)

The truth is, Problem Solving is unavoidable and, dare I say it, about one of the only things Humans do, and excel at. Really, when I think about it, it’s all we do every day, from the spectacular to the mundane;

“I think I’m hungry.”

“My motorbike won’t start.”

“What do you need to mass produce electric cars?”

“How do I get across that bridge?”

“I need to be there in an hour.”

“I’d like to get to the top of that mountain.”

“My child is upset.”

“How do I retire at 40?”

“My foot is itchy.”

“Is this done?”

Problems to solve.

I’m probably wrong (nothing new there, it’s happened before) , but I strongly believe that we are exquisitely refined, as a species, at recognising, thinking about, and then finding solutions to events. The thinking bit is especially important (thinking of past, present and future scenarios) and would take us on far too much of a tangent than is needed right now.

What’s your point?

There will never not be problems and if we were free of “problems” we’d at best get bored, and at worst cease to have any meaning.

What is important is that we accept that there will always be problems (and to accept it when we have some of our own), reframe the way we think about and approach our problems (to make it easier to accept having them), and then learn to love solving or fixing them, so that they steadily stop being chores, and start to be a joy to have.

Once we enjoy our ‘Problems’, they’re not ‘Problems’ anymore.

Kaboom. I know.

Maybe. I don’t really know. But it sounded good in my head!

Big thumbs up,


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