–The series- Introduction – You are here. Net positive. Your attitude is your choice. Expect nothing. Do your best.
Let’s begin…
Over the last year I have been lucky to have the chance to think and question, quite a bit, about what makes me “me”.
Me, thinking.
Not the physical stuff; all that space dust and carbon that recycles around the universe. But the morals, the mindsets, thoughts and practices which shape habits and form a personality of a person. Those day to day actions which even on a micro scale, have a long-term macro effect.
An inexhaustive comparison.
I’ve wondered if it is common for people go about life questioning if they’re being authentic; to themselves, their close friends and family, the work they produce and the life they’re leading. I sometimes do. Not just that, but wondering and maybe even worrying if they are using their time here in the best or most purposeful way.
I’m here to share how I think, why I think it, where it originated from for me and how it affects my daily actions. I do so for just that reason; to share. There’s no right or wrong here. No preaching or finger-wagging. But maybe we’ll get a chance to think about what makes you “you”. Hopefully with some silly illustrations along the way. If it’s a quote, I’ll do my best to credit it correctly, and if it’s anything else then I’ll give it an origin.
So without further fuss or ado, here is the Values Series. Or Moral Meandering. It’s subject to name change. …Frankness?
Anyway, first off I will share with you a quote from Thomas Merton:
Finally I am coming to the conclusion that my highest ambition is to be what I already am. That I will never fulfill my obligation to surpass myself unless I first accept myself, and if I accept myself fully in the right way, I will already have surpassed myself. Thomas Merton. Nice one.